What Stocks Will Be Affected By LK-99?
As a US team claims replication of the most historic physics breakthrough in our lifetime let's use Code Interpreter's mind-blowing data analysis capabilities to break down 22 stocks affected.
Here’s LK-99 explained as simply as I think I can do it.
If the historical July 26 South Korean laboratory claim pans out (which multiple replications are now pointing to) this will be the most significant physics development in our lifetime because it will utterly reshape our world, our energy systems, our transportation, our compute—everything— the same way the invention of the transistor reshaped electronics upon its discovery in 1947.
Bye-bye giant grandma TV with the vacuum tubes, hello eventual iPhone.
Why is it so revolutionary? Because the way that compute—and things like, say, quantum computers—work is using super-EXTREME conditions: meaning a lot of pressure and extreme cold. That’s why LK-99, which is an easy-to-replicate room-temperature superconductor is so game changing. Right now all those world-changing quantum computers are in extremely delicate (and extremely cold) conditions.
Imagine a quantum computer at your desk.
Or a phone that never loses charge or overheats. Or efficient, super-fast travel on a levitating car or train (some of these trains—called maglev trains currently exist but they’re rare) because the superconductivity causes flotation and is also a perfectly lossless form of transmitting energy.
Well by now you’re probably thinking: I’m not a physicist, I can’t replicate these floating rocks in my own home and the impact of innovation is likely years away…so…how is this going to move the market?
You’re not alone.
Tons of people on Reddit and Twitter are wondering, too, and while I’m not an expert, thankfully my partner is with a trusty MFA and tons of experience doing financial data crunching, so we had a ton of fun yesterday analyzing the top 22 tickers we’ve seen bandied about across forums this week that might be affected—and we used Code Interpreter to do sophisticated financial analysis—and get the 5 top results.
Here’s how we did it, and what we learned. And here’s an endorsement: All 5 stocks are up today!