What I've Learned Writing About AI All Year (and the Most Intimate Chat I've Had With ChatGPT Which I Think You Can Learn From) and Why AI Influencers Are the Final Boss of the Internet
This is one of those "I gotta check with the boyfriend before I post" Substacks so you know it's going to be a banger.
I need humans like I need oxygen.
That is the headline of what I’ve learned from covering AI all year.
It also reminds me of why I am so grateful that I ate a lot of dirt as a kid. (Immunity.)
Plus, the recurring theme I keep coming across that I can’t believe more people aren’t doing (hint it rhymes with schmay schmy schminfluencers) which are “very hot right now” and I’ll explain to you exactly why. (Like in a way where you will “get it.” A-ha! That kind of thing.)
Incidentally, having pored over this now for a few hours, I must say—if you’re ever like: Why should I subscribe to this Substack? It’s because I am compulsive about providing value.
That is why.
So, now. Get ready for some real human-created value, baby.