The Secret Tech Message Board That Is Laying Out Everything About How Zuck's New Twitter Clone "Threads" Was Created to Milk Your Content For Meta's AI
If you're interested in what's really going on in tech and why, this blind item board is about to become your new holy grail.
I believe I have a new favorite moment in AI.
It’s right now.
Watching—and being one of the millions jumping on over to Zuck’s new Twitter knockoff Threads while celebrities and brands run hot potato style to hippity hoppity scoop up whatever market share there is to gather—while Elon looks on like a jealous boyfriend.
Does he miss us? No. Not really. He misses our eyeballs for advertisers. He misses the training data we provide that is so valuable that he recently revoked OpenAI’s access that they were paying $2 million for to use it to train their LLMs.
No one wants to hear any of this, of course. It’s not very sexy is it? But maybe someday years from now we’ll look back and wonder what the hell happened.
Well, if you look hard enough, you can figure it out right now.
Here’s my post trying to string it together, with a critical assist from the most vital underground tech message board in the industry.