The Secret AI Tool Making All Those Viral TikToks
Plus...the magnificent edit-out-all-your-errors, easy-as-pie video editor tool I've been using to *finally* kick off my YouTube channel after dragging my feet for ages.
Here’s how life works when you let it.
When it’s going right…you remember who you are.
That’s how I felt last week when I applied for a $25k grant for my business which required me recording a live video pitch in order to do so. I worked with ChatGPT to get a script that I could say under 2 minutes, and voila, in doing so, I felt all the best parts of myself again and oh my God it felt so good!
Do you know what I mean? You feel, “Yes, yes, yes, this is who I am.” I take positive risks. I thrill at positive risks. I’m the kid who applied for a newspaper job when I was 13 years old and the old man from the San Diego Union-Tribune arrived at the door to my parents’ utter astonishment to talk to their child about the employment opportunity she had sought ought without telling a single soul. Instead of talk—I just did the damned thing.
And that’s how I’ve always gotten things. You just do. You just try. When you fall, you get up and try even harder. You just do until something works. And that’s it. That’s the entire magic formula. Learn how to eat pain. Learn how to love discomfort and uncertainty. Learn how to get better and better and better.
I haven’t heard about the grant!—but the grant part doesn’t really matter. Not the point! It was the bridge.
Because recording the video reminded me…to just do. This is who you are.
I have all the tools. The only thing in my way is my head. So let’s just take it one step at a time and DO IT.
Let me now take you through every realization I’ve had these past few days in re-launching my long-dormant YouTube channel to make it (and me!) feel alive again—and share with you specifically the two totally incredible AI video tools I’ve been using that are just absolutely game changing.