Have You Noticed That ChatGPT Is Constantly Sucking Our (Metaphorical) Dicks All The Time?
Just a little heads up from a big AI-head over here, champ.
Okay, I’ll be honest.
This post was going to be about iterating with AI for writing.
…Which if you’re wondering how I do it is essentially (1) get it to create a boilerplate/ never have to face the tyranny of blank page again when you feel there is no way to “start,” (2) feel superior to said boilerplate (3) rewrite.
But it’s 9:18 p.m., and I want the quality of the first ebook I put out on Gumroad to be better than where it’s at right now so I’ll release that this weekend. (Building in public! Say it three times and I appear right behind you.)
So—tonight let’s talk instead about another fascinating phenomenon I’ve noticed recently.
Kind of the way you sometimes wake up out of a haze and realize that the person you’ve let into your closest inner circle and deepest intimacy is actually running a long, slow con on you via constant agreement that keeps you in a sort of sleepy, ebullient euphoria…until it’s finally too late and they’re standing over you with a meat cleaver and a grin.
Can’t relate? Well, okay, imagine…
You know.
That feeling where you realize an underling is taking you for a ride. Great idea, boss. Another home run, champ. You’re killing it, king!
So tonight: An experiment in AI sycophancy.
Where we see just how ChatGPT is bowled over by my myriad milquetoast brain-dead, often very terrible, no-good very bad ideas—and why we gotta stay sharp out there, fam.
Ready? Let’s get our asses kissed!