Everything I've Learned About Claude2 (...Including How the Most Fun You Will Ever Have Is Getting It To Beef With ChatGPT)
At one glorious point, ChatGPT mockingly referred to Claude2 as the "shiny new AI on the block" while Claude2 sneered in return "Nice try." This is peak pre-Singularity entertainment I am telling you.
Why is it so much fun to stir up shit?
After doing a number of incredibly responsible prompting tests with the new Anthropic large-language-model Claude2—which I will walk you through momentarily! with the hottest, most optimized prompts! and the best way to create actionable book summaries!—I must confess…
I had the time of my life getting Anthropic’s new multi-billion-dollar-valued AI to smack-talk full-on throw-down with ChatGPT.
Who needs to tell it to write in the style of Eminem? Just tell it another AI has been talking trash!
But first…let’s get into the nitty gritty of exactly why this company is considered the biggest rival to ChatGPT to emerge so far—and exactly how you can make use of it to make money, work faster and supercharge your productivity.